To know by night as well as by day.
     The Forges & Manor at Ringwood

The People of Ringwood Manor
The History of Ringwood Manor
The Iron Industry
The Architecture of Ringwood Manor
Tours at Ringwood Manor
Contact Ringwood Manor

About this Website

The architecture of this website, like that of Ringwood Manor, can be called �additive.� It was started a long time ago when HTML technology was different than it is today. I have not torn down to rebuild, but I have added new sections to the old. I know there are many errors in these pages, I know the site does not display equally well in all browsers; like Ringwood Manor, the joints don�t meet properly and the floors are not flat. As a volunteer, I don't have time to change it.

However, over the years many people caught important mistakes and have written to me. Thank you, and don�t hesitate to write: .

Copyright Information

Copyright 2000, Carol Siri Johnson.

The material on the site comes from various sources, each of which is documented. If there is no attribution, it was created by Martin Deeks or Carol Johnson. The photography is done by Carol Johnson.

Special thanks to Bert, Pat, Connie, Britt, Sue, the State; their selfless devotion has kept one of America's foremost historical sites alive.

  People | History | Iron Industry | Architecture | Tours | Contacts | Home

This website was created by Carryl Communications